SO2 to SO3 Convertor - Acid Sulfuric Plant
In 2017 Pidemco was awarded the project “Fabrication and Site assembly of SO2 to SO3 Convertor” alongside the plant other equipment such as Stack, Heat exchangers, Towers and tanks of Khatoonabad acid sulfuric plant. This project involved mechanical design, manufacturing and installation in site of number of 6 Towers, 5 Disk and Dounut Heat exchangers, 5Pump tanks, 1 stack and the SO2 to SO3 Convertor. The plant is designed by new re-circulation technology developed by Outotec (Lurec), operating the first unit in 2007 and being its second one in Iran.
Pidemco previously has manufactured the first Lurec system of Convertor and its adjunct heat exchangers in 2015 in sarcheshmeh new acid sulfuric plant.
SO2 gas produced by smelting of copper is entered at 650 Celsius degrees into Convertor and passes through four stages of catalysts to be converted to SO3 while undergoing continues cooling and heating. This complicated process is made possible by a huge equipment consisting of more than 6000 parts which amounts to 225 tons, 12.5m diameter and 24m height.
Transportation of the whole equipment because of the equipment size was impossible and Pidemco relating on its past experience in manufacturing the same equipment in Sarcheshmeh Acid sulfuric plant put through the project by manufacturing parts in its shop in Tehran and assembly of prefabricated parts at site.
Wednesday, February 20, 2019